
Custom Fields

Not every club is the same and therefore some clubs will need to record different information against their members than others.

Custom fields to the rescue!

To setup custom fields, go to "Setup > Custom Fields" and add a field group. Once added click on the group name to add fields to it.

You can currently choose from the following custom field types:

1) Text
2) Date
3) Text area
4) Yes/No

To assign a member to a custom field group, view their profile and click on the "Extended Details" tab. Select the group and click on update.

To assign members in bulk, click on the button at the top right, select a group and click each member that you want to assign, then click on the update button.

When you add custom fields to a group they automatically appear on the "Custom Fields" tab when viewing any member that has been assigned to that group. 

To enter information in a custom field when viewing a member, click on the custom fields tab and then click on the relevant field in the list. A popup will appear allowing you to enter the information.

Waiting List

To add custom fields to your waiting list form, add a group as above, then go to "Setup > Club Details" and select the group in the "Waiting List Custom Field Group" drop-down then click on "Update Club".

The fields will be listed at the bottom of your waiting list form on your website.

They will also be listed below the member information when you view one of the people on your waiting list.